Declaring a Major

At Bryn Mawr, students are required to declare their major during their sophomore year. As a sophomore, I am currently going through this process. The Deans call it “The Sophomore Plan,” and it includes declaring your major, planning for internships, and applying for study abroad. 

I am declaring a major in the Growth and Structure of Cities Department, so the first thing I had to do was meet with one of the Cities Major advisors. The Deans provide the students with a list of all the advisors, and I learned that the professor for my History of Modern Architecture class this semester is one of them. I went to her office hours and told her I was interested in declaring a cities major and she told me how. Students have to fill out a form with all the classes they have taken and plan to take that will count towards the major. Once it is filled out, I email it to my advisor and let her look it over, then I upload the same information onto the student platform Bionic. Once the information is on there, my major advisor signs off on it and I will officially be a Growth and Structure of Cities Major. 

Here is a screenshot of the first page of the form. 

It is an exciting, yet overwhelming process. I personally like how the school requires you to plan your future courses. It is difficult since you don’t know exactly what classes you will want to take and what will be offered, but it helps students with structuring their next few years. As I am currently going through this process, I’ve been delighted to find that it is much simpler than I originally anticipated and I’m excited to finish planning and preparing for my final two years at Bryn Mawr. 


By Ava Blumer

Hi! My name is Ava Blumer and I am a sophomore at Bryn Mawr. I am a Growth and Structure of Cities Major and an Italian Minor. I am from Villanova Pennsylvania, so I am very familiar with the town of Bryn Mawr, Philadelphia, and the surrounding area. I am currently living on campus in Batten House!